Thursday, March 17, 2011

P.S. Hire Me!

A good cover letter is really important. P.S. Don't forget this...

The next time you write a cover letter – add a P.S. That actually increases the chances of that letter being read by 75%. Make the content of that P.S. count – some people actually glance down and read that first. Using bullet points really helps too – even if you have to drop some content out to fit them in. You’d rather have the reader notice those than toss your letter aside because it’s crammed with information that doesn’t particularly stand out.

P.S. Don’t forget to mention that you’ll follow up. They won’t want to admit they never read your letter when you do.


  1. Recent TEST of the PS...

    The PS is something I developed as a "headhunter" when markeing my candidates and found that it was extremely effective which is why I put it in the book "Headhunter" Hiring Secrets as one of the secrets.

    Recently I was speaking at a career seminar and one of the attendees expressed some skepticism. Another attendee asked if he could make a comment. He went on to say, "I was skeptical of the PS at first so I did a test. I sent 10 letters without the PS and 7 with the PS. I have yet to reach any of the 10 people without the PS. However, of the 7 with the PS telling them the day and time I was going to call, I reached 3 and 2 of them actually said, "I was expecting your call." Subsequently I was able to schedule an interview.

    -Skip Freeman

  2. Hi Skip: I appreciate your comment, AND your expertise! It sounds like a great book by an author who really knows his stuff and puts it to the test. Thanks!

    P.S. I linked your site to the blog so we can ALL buy it. :)

  3. P.P.S. I just read your 'About Skip' page. Wow. And Thank you for your service!


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