Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Industry Jargon

Even if you don't use some of the trendy jargon out there, you might as know what they are, and what they mean. Here are some new industry favorites:


In transition. Basically, it means out of work.

Example: Since the downsizing, I've been in transition.

Space. It's starting to replace the word field.

Example: I'm in the computer programming space. Or, I'm in the space of transition.

Go offline. It's a new phrase for discussing in private.

Example: Ted, could we go offline to discuss the transparency of the new policy?

Transparent. It's supposed to mean honest.

Example: We've been totally transparent about that policy change, buried somewhere on page 62.

Bandwidth. A new phrase for mental capacity.

Example: Judy lacks the bandwidth to grasp our policy changes. She'll be in the transitioning space soon.

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