Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ballistic Boss

If you've got one of those bosses that flips his or her lid from time to time, it could bring out the best in you... 

If your boss has a tendency to flip out once in a while, it could actually be enhancing your performance. It's called epistemic motivation, and whether the boss knows it or not, it can be pretty effective. In a study, people who received angry feedback were more likely to take a vigorous look at their tasks from a more creative angle. An invisibly disgruntled boss can be much harder to deal with.

The key is to NOT take the outburst personally, and hear the boss out, even if it seems unwarranted. If possible, wait until things cool down a bit before presenting your revisions or pleading your case.

Source: Dr. Jeffrey Rossman, author of "The Mind-Body Mood Solution"

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