Wednesday, April 17, 2013

If you like fish, there are some varieties you should probably avoid...

Fish is good for you - but not all fish...
Prevention Magazine has a fish list to avoid:
* Imported Catfish: Most imported catfish comes from Vietnam where antibiotics banned in the United States are widely used. Choose domestic, farm-raised catfish, which is responsibly farmed and plentiful.

* Caviar: Caviar from beluga and wild-caught sturgeon are susceptible to overfishing and the species is now threatened. Opt for fish eggs from American Lake Sturgeon instead.

* Atlantic Cod: It’s close to making the endangered species list. Eat Pacific cod instead.

* American Eel: A frequent addition to sushi dishes, American eel is highly contaminated with PCBs and mercury. 

*Imported Shrimp: 90 percent of the shrimp sold in the United States is imported, and it is packed with contaminants and filth, including mouse hair, rat hair and insects. Imported shrimp is rarely inspected and you’re better off with the domestic variety.

* Atlantic Salmon, both wild and farmed. Wild stocks are super low and it’s illegal to fish for them. The farmed variety are crammed into pens and are susceptible to disease. Go for wild Alaskan salmon instead.

* Imported King Crab: Most imported king crab comes from Russia -- even if it says Alaskan king crab on the label. Make sure to check the label or ask if it really comes from Alaska.

* Shark: It’s super high in mercury, skip the shark.

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