Tuesday, May 1, 2012

If you’re picking some flowers to plant for this spring – pick plants with benefits...

It’s time to choose some plants for your garden, patio or deck... 

There are some varieties that do more than look and smell good. Here are a few good options to plant with purpose: 

• Impatiens: Not only do they brighten up a shady spot – they can help protect against poison ivy and oak. If you’ve been exposed, rub some sap from the impatiens stem on the skin to neutralize the itching agents.

• Zinnias: Bees LOVE them – and having them near your garden can increase the yield of fruits and vegetables by encouraging pollination.

• Azaleas: These attract ladybugs who are great at getting rid of destructive aphids that can destroy your plants.

• Honeysuckle: Hummingbirds will feast on that. Once they’re in your yard, the hummingbirds will also eat your ants, gnats and white flies.

• Geraniums: Plant plenty of these around your favorite outdoor hangout. Geraniums naturally repel mosquitos. You can even crush a geranium leaf and rub that on your skin for added protection.

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