Monday, May 7, 2012

Are you suffering from Computer Neck?

Staring at a computer all day is hard on your eyes – and your neck! 

A recent study published in Occupation and Environmental Medicine found that two-thirds of students and adults who spend time on the computer are suffering from “computer neck.” The symptoms include pain and tightness in the neck and shoulders and fatigue. Paul Linden, author of "Comfort at Your Computer," says the neck is extra vulnerable. Not only is it full of bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles and nerves, it also has to hold your head up all day, which weighs about 10 pounds.

To alleviate computer neck, the first step is to adjust your monitor. Ideally it should be slightly below eye level. When your chin is tilted slightly down instead of up, you’ll reduce a lot of strain on your neck. It’s also important that your computer is directly in front of you and not off to one side. Frequently turning or holding your neck even slightly to one side can result in muscle imbalances and spasms in your neck, shoulders and back.

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