Thursday, May 24, 2012

If you like to wear headphones, you might want to uncover your ears for this statistic...

Have you heard? If you wear headphones or ear buds, you’re growing batches of bacteria in your ears!  

It’s true – but is it really that bad? According to Cecil Adams at The Straight Dope, the volume has been cranked up a bit on the headphone/bacteria scare. While it’s true that covering your ears for any length of time creates the perfect dark, damp environment for bacteria to grow, experts have yet to find a big increase in ear infections or illness as a result. 

The bottom line: It’s a good idea to give your ears a little air – and avoid wearing headphones or ear buds for long periods of time. You should be doing that anyway for the sake of your hearing. You also want to avoid sharing listening devices and limit use if you’re prone to ear infections.

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