Tuesday, May 1, 2012

If you’d like people to listen to you – cut to the chase!

You’re talking – but is anybody listening? 

People who love to talk tend to over-explain things a bit – and that could be a big tune-out. Here are a few simple tricks to try the next time you’d like to be heard:

Listen: The best way to get someone’s attention is to pay attention to them. They’re much more likely to want to hear what you have to say if you seem interested.

Cut to the chase: If you think someone’s not getting it, resist the urge to explain more. When we ramble, we lose people’s attention. It’s not that they don’t get it, they’re bored. Stick to the facts.

Read the room: Whether it’s a group or an individual, pay attention. If they are doodling, checking their phone or not making eye contact, you’re losing them. If you’d still like to get your point across - ask a question to get them engaged again - and keep it simple.

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