Thursday, October 21, 2010

Brace for Impact

Are you prepared for a disaster? Survival skills – from real survivors...
Most of us won’t land on the Hudson, or get trapped in a mine – but it’s good to have a plan anyway. In order to increase your odds of surviving a crisis there are some basic steps to take. Dorothy Firman, author of “Brace for Impact,” tells us what they are:

• Take a basic safety or survival class - or find a refresher course online. In a disaster, it’s usually someone with training who stays calm and takes charge.
• Pay attention to your surroundings. Count the rows to the exits on an airplane, train or bus – every time - and take note of emergency postings in hotels or buildings. Have a plan AND a backup plan.
• Keep your plans flexible. Survivors often need to change their strategy throughout a disaster.
• Take action. Most survivors think - What can I do? - as opposed to - Why is this happening to me?

• Reflect on your loved ones – or goals you have yet to accomplish in life. It reduces your odds of panicking or giving up. Most survivors report having a specific image or reason that inspired them to fight for survival.

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