Saturday, October 23, 2010

You Stink!

You stink! If you know someone who smells really bad - there’s a good chance they don’t even know it.

Let’s face it – some people just smell better than others. And some people smell really bad. Dr. Mark Stengler, Naturopath, has some common odor inducers – and some stink solutions:

Body odor. A high fat diet or one that’s high in processed foods can interfere with digestion and cause strong body odor. 

The fixliquid chlorophyll. It’s available at health food stores. Food such as live-culture yogurt can help balance things out too.

Flatulence. Some people are just naturally gassy regardless of their diet.

The fixginger or chamomile. Drink it in tea after a meal or whenever you feel gassy.

• Bad breath. If it’s really bad, don’t be shy. Talk to your doctor about what could be causing it.

The fixstay hydrated. Dry mouth is a common trigger and plain water really helps. Plaque fighting foods such as carrots and celery can also help fight bad breath.

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