Saturday, August 2, 2014

Do your car’s rubber tires protect you from lightning?

We’ve all heard that lightning rarely strikes twice – but that’s just not true. 

The National Weather Service wants you to know that lighting can and does strike multiple times in the same place - especially if you're tall and pointy. The Empire State Building is hit nearly 100 times a year.

So are we safer in a car with rubber tires? Yes, but not because of the rubber tires. It’s actually the metal surrounding you that keeps you safer. Just don’t lean on the doors or any metal elements if you’re caught in a storm on the road. If you’re in a convertible, or on a motorcycle or bike, those rubber tires will not help you one bit. 

And if you’re caught in an open field during a lightning storm, do NOT lie flat on the ground, as some misguided people suggest. This actually increases your chances of injury from deadly ground current from nearby strikes.

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