Monday, August 25, 2014

Americans are not as happy as they used to be. What’s bumming us out...

Were you happier ten years ago? Most Americans say yes. 

Studies have found that happiness levels are significantly down. According to the CDC, the rate of antidepressant use has surged 400% over the last decade. So what is the problem? Some of the modern reasons cited include:

• Electronics: Computers, gaming and other gadgets may help us escape – but sixth grade children who spent five days at a summer camp without technology had significantly improved emotional cognition.

• Jealousy: In the old days, we may have envied watching the neighbors drive up in a new car once in a while. Now, we see a constant stream of bragging Joneses, far beyond their driveway.

• Alone time: Americans eat most of their meals alone, with families finding it harder to square away time to eat together and a dramatic increase in single-person households.

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