Wednesday, July 25, 2012

If your boss is assembling a S.W.A.T. team – should you be worried? The latest in business jargon...

Every few business quarters, some trendy new business jargon seeps in... 

It can be confusing if you’re not on the “bleeding edge.” Forbes has put together a list to help keep us in the loop:

1. Core Competency: Referring to a company or person's fundamental strength.

2. Buy-In: Agreement on a specific course of action. Typically this involves someone who was not part of the discussion or planning. 

3. S.W.A.T. Team: A group of business "experts," who are assembled to solve a problem. 

4. Empower: This suggests the boss wants you to feel important and do someone else's work, while letting you know that he is still the one in charge. 

5. Open the Kimono: Revealing information. 

6. Bleeding Edge: Referring to something that is SO cutting-edge it needed a new term. 

7. Scalable: A business or activity that requires lots of effort, time and money - but distributing it is easy and painless. 

8. Best Practice: This refers to a method or technique that delivers superior results. 

9. Think Outside the Box: Not so new, but still overused, it’s approaching a business problem in an unconventional fashion. 

10. Leveraging: Using a situation or environment that to manipulate or control, as in "we are leveraging our assets." 

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