Sunday, July 22, 2012

Have you brushed your lymph system today? The benefits of dry-skin brushing...

We brush our teeth and our hair – and new research suggests we should ALL be brushing our skin too!

Dry brushing the skin has been around for a long time. The Russians and Scandinavians have been doing it for centuries. Robert Morgan, Health Education Director at Creative Health Institute in Michigan, says nothing cleanses the lymph system like dry-skin brushing. He points out that the skin is the largest organ on the body and works hard, around the clock, eliminating toxins for us. Brushing the skin exfoliates, increases circulation and clears the way for the pores.

Robert suggests using a long-handled natural bristle brush for your skin. Start lightly and always brush towards your heart. Start at your feet and work your way up. The whole dry-brushing routine should take about 5 minutes and be repeated daily.

1 comment:

  1. Dry Skin Brushing assists in keeping the lymph flowing, providing a gentle detox every time you brush.


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