Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cookware Caution

If your pots and pans are scratched – that could be a problem...

Nonstick pots and pans are great – until they get scratched. Some researchers say that once they’re damaged, we could be cooking up some risk. The chemicals in scratched Teflon leach out of the pan and into our food – and can increase our risk of thyroid problems by 244%!*

Manufacturers are going to be required to phase out those bad chemicals in cookware by 2015. Until then – consider replacing any damaged pots and pans with stainless steel.

*Additional information regarding PFOA from DuPont: "Studies indicate that if any PFOA is present in cookware coatings, it is of such small amounts that the potential for any consumer exposure to PFOA is negligible."  For more data, visit  http://www2.dupont.com/PFOA2/en_US/pfoa_thyroid.html


  1. Saw your blog post on PFOA and thyroid changes. A study by Melzer observed an association between PFOA and thyroid changes, but as the study authors indicated, the observed association is a correlation that may or may not be caused by PFOA. This observed association is not consistent with studies of workers who had much higher levels of PFOA exposure than the general public, yet did not show any changes that would impact the thyroid. The results are also not consistent with a community study by Emmett, et al, which found “no significant positive relationships between serum (PFOA) and thyroid-stimulating hormone.” For more info, visit http://www2.dupont.com/PFOA2/en_US/pfoa_thyroid.html.

  2. Sara, thanks so much for the information. It's important that we keep our information as accurate as possible, so your comment is a big help! I'll be sure to add the link you provided for more information to the original post!


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