Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holiday Shift

Employees with kids tend to get more days off - and some people REALLY resent that...

Some employees are expected to work on holidays without even being asked – or thanked. According to Katherine Reynolds Lewis, author of “Why Your Co-Workers May Hate you,” those worker are usually the ones without kids. Single people often get less time off – and less of a choice in work shifts. On the other hand – some companies opt to fill positions with single people under the assumption they are more available and less expensive in the long run.

Katherine says if you feel the employees with kids are getting preferential treatment where you work – speak up. Find out what perks your company might offer working parents and ask them what they can offer single employees to balance things out.

Read the full story:    Parental Guidance: Why Your Co-Workers May Hate You
Watch the interview:  CNN Feature - Katherine Reynolds Lewis


  1. Thanks for blogging about my article, and tackling this important topic. Would love it if you could include a link to the article as well, and/or to my CNN segment on the piece.

  2. Done Katherine. Thanks so much for the great content. I know a huge part of the workforce can relate! And you were great on CNN!


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