Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Are you hooked on your drugstore glasses?

Drugstore glasses are an affordable option if you just need them to read the menu. 

However, if you find yourself using them a lot, you really should consider a prescription. According to optometrists Melvin Schrier, many adults require significantly different prescriptions for each eye. Cheaters, or off-the-rack glasses have the same magnification in both lenses. Not only are you not seeing as clearly as you could, you may wind up with eye strain and headaches. 

Dr. Schrier recommends getting prescription readers if you wear your glasses regularly. And if you work on a computer – measure the distance from your eyes to your screen. Take this number with you to the eye doctor and get tested at this distance. Even people with prescription bifocals or progressives should have a pair of single vision glasses specifically for extended screen time.

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