Thursday, September 19, 2013

Struggling with a problem? How to dream up a solution...

If there’s a nagging issue in your life keeping you up at night - you might just be able to turn that around and dream up a solution. 

Dr. Deirdre Barrett, author of “The New Science of Dreaming,” says dreams are capable of breaking down preconceptions that block our abilities to solve problems in our waking lives. Our dreams run a lot of useful data through our brains at warp speed and there are usually some answers in there just waiting to be harnessed.

You’ll need to do a little prep at bedtime. Write down a few words about the problem you’re trying to solve just before you go to sleep. Now relax and calmly consider the factors as you drift off. When you wake up, write down every detail you can remember from your dreams, even if they seem unrelated. It could take more than a few nights to train your brain to dream up solutions. It’s best to start on a weekend, with an easier problem before you try to tackle the big ones.

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