Sunday, September 8, 2013

A lot of women put on about six pounds over the summer. Why that happens...

Now that the kids are back in school, you might want to step on the scale. 

A recent study found that a lot of mothers of school-aged children put on an average six pounds over the summer break. There are a few factors to blame for the summer spread - and snacks are at the top of the list. Many moms say they end up eating snacks and lunches they prepare for their children and those can add up over a few months. Extra stops at the ice cream shop and vacation indulgences don’t help either.

If you’re a victim of summer gain, don’t feel too bad. You’re probably close to where you were this time last year. The study also found that some women diet before swimsuit season and then gradually gain that back by the time the sweaters come out of the closet.

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