Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Use your blinkers today – and not the ones on your car.

If you spend time on a computer, device, reading or watching TV each day – you’re not blinking enough. 

Dry eye syndrome is reaching epidemic proportions and electronics are often to blame. When we’re focusing on anything, we blink much less than we should and it’s really hard on the eyes. Not blinking enough causes precious moisture and oils to evaporate, leaving our eyes fatigued and stressed.

For those who log a lot of screen or reading time, taking blink breaks should be part of a daily routine. Shut your eyes for ten seconds twice an hour and move them around under the lids. A warm, wet compress at the end of the day will soothe the eyes too and help to unclog the all-important tear ducts. Adding oily fish such as tuna or salmon into your diet can also help moisturize the eyes from the inside out. 

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