Thursday, March 14, 2013

Would you like to be a philanthropist? How anyone can do it...

You don’t need to be rich to be a philanthropist...

Philanthropist literally means lover of man and is used to describe goodwill to fellow members of the human race - and it doesn’t have to cost a dime. Some philanthropists donate time, skills or material goods in lieu of money. Another philanthropic idea is to set up a fund to which others with money can contribute.

If you’d like to be a philanthropist, you’ve got a lot of options. Scholarships are popular because they’re relatively easy to set up and customize. They can be named in honor of a loved one and designated to benefit a specific group of your choice. Students who like what you like, good students, bad students - just about anything you can dream up. Typically, scholarships will require $100 to $1,000 a year. Some larger institutions require more. To start your career as a philanthropist, contact the person in charge of charitable contributions.

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