Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Night Vision

If your night vision could use a boost – certain foods can help...

How’s your night vision? As we age – it’s one of the first things that starts to fade. That’s because the muscles that control pupil dilation weaken as we get older. Once our eyes adjust to the dark, the sudden change in light – in the form of oncoming headlights – requires some quick pupil reaction. There are a few things we can eat to improve our night vision. The vitamins, pigment and antioxidants in these foods are natural vision boosters:

Corn, dark green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, kiwi fruit, oranges, pumpkin, sweet potatoes – and yes – carrots.

Zinc is good too – you can get that in beans, beef, crab duck, lamb, turkey, yogurt and ricotta cheese.

Make sure to tell your eye doctor if you’ve noticed a difference in your night vision. And don’t forget to clean the INSIDE of your windshield with glass cleaner on a regular basis – it can really make a difference.

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