Monday, August 1, 2011

Leave Home WITHOUT It

Whether you carry a big purse, or just a wallet – here's a list of things that SHOULDN’T be in there...

Do you carry your checkbook with you? You shouldn’t. According to finance expert Maria Lin, that checkbook is worth its weight in gold to a thief. It’s got your bank account number, routing number, home address and probably even an imprint of your signature on there! Here are a few more things we shouldn’t be toting around:

• Too many credit cards – just take the ones you use the most. If your wallet ever gets lost or stolen, you’ll have a lot less cancelling to do.

• Too much cash – not only are you at risk of losing it – you’ll probably spend more when there’s plenty handy.

• Gift cards and certificates don’t require ID for use. Leave those at home until you’re ready to use them.

• Receipts are another no-no. They’ve probably got your signature on there – and possibly even your credit card number.

• Passports and Social Security cards should stay at home too. Memorize your Social Security number – you almost never need the actual card.

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