Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Voice Mail

If you're leaving a voice mail for someone, there is a right and wrong way to do it:

Before you call someone, try to have an idea of what you'd like to say if it goes to voice mail. Netscape has a list of things that can drive the person you're calling nuts:

Your name. Don't assume we recognize your voice.

Your number. Go ahead and blurt it out near the beginning so they don't have to listen to the whole message again if they miss it at the end.

Keep it brief. It's a message, not a one-sided conversation.

Avoid he mystery. I have a question. You won't believe what happened. Call me. Consider giving the other person a clue so they know how soon to call back, and how long it might take.

Background noise. If you're on the highway with your windows open or in a noisy bar, it sounds even worse on the other end.

Voice mail interrupted. It's really annoying to stop and converse with someone else, or to abort mission and answer another call in the middle of your message.

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