Saturday, September 18, 2010


Does your car smell funny? I've got some causes of car-oma you might want to check...

For a lot of us, our cars are a home away from home, and if something doesn't smell right, you need to check it out. Here are some common scents and triggers:

Rotten egg or sulfur. Get that checked soon. It could be a problem with the catalytic converter.

Fuel smell. If the smell is strong, it's best not to drive the car at all. It could be a problem with the vapor-recovery system or, even worse, a gas leak somewhere.

Musty moldy smell. Your air-conditioning drainage holes could be blocked. Check for mud or debris under the car on the passenger side front door. Try to wash that off with a garden hose. If not, take the car in for a professional diagnosis. That mold smell can be nasty AND unhealthy.

Burning hair smell. Take note of when it happens. If it's when you're descending a steep grade, it's probably the brakes. If it's when you're accelerating with a manual transmission, it's likely the clutch. Either problem needs to be addressed.

Source: Eric Peters, author of "Automotive Atrocities"

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