Monday, September 27, 2010

Travel Taboos

That okay sign or thumbs up we make with our hands is just run of the mill sign language, here. Wait until you hear what they mean in other countries...

If you're ordering two of something in England, don't use your fingers, if your palm is towards you, it's the equivalent of that other ONE finger sign we have here. And that okay sign we make here, well it's a much more graphic gesture in Brazil. And the next time you're in Iran, don't give someone a thumbs up, it's NOT a friendly gesture there. And if you're off to Japan, practice NOT smiling. And if you forget to cover your mouth when you laugh there, they may assume you are either rude, or stupid. Remember to always wave goodbye in Japan, and don't STOP waving until you don't see your host anymore.

And if you need to ask for a fanny pack in the UK, it's called a bum bag. The word fanny means something completely different there and will probably get you some weird looks, to say the least.

Source: Paul Eisenberg, author of "Local Taboos That Trip Up Travelers"

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