Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chemical Detox

If you're worried about some of the toxic chemicals we're all exposed to, there is a way to detox...

No matter what we do, we're all exposed to toxic chemicals. There's just no avoiding them ALL. Dr. Walter Crinnion, author of Clean, Green and Lean, says we're soaking up dangerous toxins all the time, but we can show them the way out:

Drink three cups of unsweetened organic green tea a day. It helps flush out the toxins.

Eat organic brown rice several times a week. That fiber keeps those toxins moving, right out.

Green, leafy vegetables, green drinks such as wheat grass juice, and blue-green algae supplements all have chlorophyll. It's known as nature's cleanser and prevents the buildup of toxins.

The less sugar you eat, the better. It suppresses your liver's ability to purge toxins.

Sweat it out. With your doctor's okay, sauna's and heavy sweating several times a week releases toxins. Use a loofah to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores to keep those exit doors open.

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