Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Do you talk too much? Let's find out...

Do you often wonder if you talk too much? 

If so, you probably do. Here are few tell-tale signs that you need to keep your talking in check:

1. People tell you that you talk too much. This is really a bad sign. People hardly ever tell someone that he or she talks too much. 

2. You love to hear yourself talk. When you're in a conversation, the best part is when you get to speak. In fact, you can't wait until the other person stops speaking, so you can start. You’re probably not listening to what the other person says because you're thinking about what you're going to say.

3. Body language can provide a definite clue that you talk too much. If people turn their side to you or seem anxious to leave, you’re talking too much. Once you start losing eye contact, you need to take a break from talking.

4. People make certain sounds when you open your mouth. They start sighing, taking deep breaths or violent coughing.

5. You notice people crossing the street when you approach them and get the feeling they're pretending not to see you. Guess what? They are.

6. When you do have a captive audience, you get cut off in the middle of a sentence. If people often tell you they need to go to the bathroom, have a meeting or need to make a call, you’re talking too much. 

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