Sunday, February 6, 2011

Regaining Control

If you'd like a little more control over some stressful aspects of life, promote yourself to CEO...

Stressful situations can wreak havoc on our lives. Dr. John Horton, co-author of "The Inner Game of Stress," says different strategies work for different people, but you’re likely to feel more in control if you consider yourself the CEO of your life, personally and professionally...

Write a mission statement. What is the primary mission of your life?

Identify your main product or service. What do you provide to others?

List your company’s resources. Include both internal resources -- positive personal traits, such as your compassion, intelligence and humor -- and external resources -- your financial assets, friends and possessions. Ask yourself whether you are getting as much from each of these resources as you could.

Consider whether you have given up too much control of your corporation. Your life is yours, and you get to decide everything. It is always your choice, even if you decide to comply with the wishes of someone else.

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