Monday, January 13, 2014

If you wear a tie, be sure to choose the right one for the occasion.

Some men put a lot of thought into the tie they wear, while other’s get it all wrong. 

Style expert Jacqui Stafford is going to choose your tie, by occasion:

* For a routine work day: You can really add some personality here without getting silly. Jacqui likes subtle prints that are fun that can only be seen when you look closely.

* For an important presentation: Skip the everyday stripe and go for a bold print such as paisley or a vibrant color which shows confidence. Jacqui also prefers the wider European knot, like the Prince Albert.

* For a job interview: Avoid the joke or novelty tie at all costs. Choose a tie with a twist that will help you stand out. A subtle or unusual pattern, or interesting fabric, can speak volumes. It may even wind up being a talking point during the interview. 

* For a networking event: Go for bold colors or an unusual print to garner compliments and break the ice.

* For a formal event: Nothing looks better on a man for a formal event than a traditional black tie against a crisp white shirt. A black and white polka dot print is another classic option. 

* For an office holiday party: Santa and reindeer ties are a bit much. Try a rich color or jewel tone to look festive, with class.

* For a television or video appearance: Skip the striped tie. It has a strobing effect on TV. Choose something bright which stands out without distracting the viewer.

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