Wednesday, August 1, 2012

If the Olympics have inspired you to get in shape a bit – there’s one little gadget that can make a BIG difference...

Do you own a pedometer? 

If not, you really should. A recent study found that adults wearing a pedometer clocked a full 30 minutes more exercise per week without really trying. Experts say just becoming aware of the number of steps we take each day inspires us to take a few more. Wearing a pedometer is a simple way to set and beat your own records on a daily basis and can really motivate you to take a few scenic routes around the house, the office or the block.

Some of the best pedometers on the market right now sell for about $30 – a lot less than most exercise equipment or gym memberships. There are lots of on-body models and some other choices including GPS watches and smartphone apps to help you step things up a bit.

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