Monday, September 23, 2013

There may not be one perfect food - but the banana comes pretty darn close.

Do yourself a favor and have a banana for breakfast. 

Let’s peel back some of the amazing benefits in that favorite yellow fruit:

* The natural sugars combined with fiber in a banana can provide an instant, sustained boost of energy.

* Bananas even cheer us up. They’ve got tryptophan which converts into serotonin, which makes us happy. The B6 in there can improve mood as well.

* The potassium in a banana helps regulate blood pressure and boosts brain power too.

* Feeling awful? Bananas can help relieve symptoms of hangover, morning sickness and heartburn.

* The list of banana benefits is a long one. They’re good for your kidneys, your digestive and cardiovascular system, your eyes, bones and muscles. They’re also one of the few fruits you don’t have to wash or cut. They’re travel friendly and ready to eat.

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