Thursday, October 24, 2013

Chewing gum can improve your test scores - IF you do it right.

You may have heard that chewing gum can improve your test scores. 

That’s true, if you know how to chew. Researchers split 224 undergraduates from St. Lawrence University into three groups and put gum to the test. One group chewed before and during the test. The next group chewed for five minutes before the test and the third group had to rough it without any gum. The pre-test chewers out-performed the other two groups. It seems that chewing gum before the test did boost performance, but only for about 20 minutes.

Chewing gum can literally warm up the brain, by increasing blood flow to the head. Those who chewed gum through the entire test didn’t get the benefits because all that chewing gets tiresome and can actually sap brainpower after a few minutes.

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