Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kick the Cans

Canned foods are good to have on hand, but not so great to use on a regular basis.
If you're not sure how long those cans of soup or vegetables or have been on your shelf, you might want to toss them. There's a component in some clear plastics and in the linings of a lot of canned foods that can be really bad for us. It's called BPA and canned chicken soup and ravioli tested the highest for it. Canned tomatoes are a risk too, because the high acid content causes BPA to leach into the product more.

It's a good idea to check the dates on cans in your own pantry, and in the grocery store, BPA levels increase over time. The safest bet is to opt for fresh ingredients, or those sold in glass containers.

Source: Olga Naidenko, Environmental Working Group

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