Monday, August 30, 2010

Care Less

Most of us say things we really don't mean, without even knowing it. Here are some of the most common mistakes:

If you could care less, that really means you do care. Most people who use this phrase actually mean to say they could NOT care less.

If you are going to try and do something, you would probably rather try TO do it. Unless of course you plan on keeping the trying and doing separate.

If you plan to bring something to the party, you're better off TAKING it. It's a directional thing. If it's going with you, you're taking it. If it's coming toward you, someone else is bringing it. Of course there's nothing wrong with offering to bring something when talking to the host or hostess. In this case, you're addressing the action from his or her perspective. It's that simple.

Source: Mignon Fogarty, author of "The Grammar Devotional" AND my mom!

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