Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Texting is easier than ever these days. How NOT to overdo it...

Remember when texting was all thumbs and laborious on a number pad? 

Smartphones have made texting easier than ever and some people are overdoing it. Here is a refresher course in text etiquette:

• Keep it brief. A text message should be two to three sentences tops. Anything longer deserves an email or phone call.

• Don’t keep texting until you get a reply. If the recipient’s phone is off, they’ll be bombarded when they turn it back on. Repeated one-sided texting is just rude.

• Don’t end a relationship with a text message. Sounds obvious, but it’s surprisingly common. If your relationships aren’t worthy of face-to-face closure, you need to reevaluate your choices.

• Use proper grammar and punctuation. There are a few common abbreviations that are commonplace now but cryptic messages lacking punctuation are a chore for the reader.

• Think before attaching. Multiple pictures, files or links may clog up the recipient’s inbox and prevent them from receiving other messages.

• Avoid texting if you’re about to be unavailable – or at least let the other person know when you will be.

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