Wednesday, November 14, 2012

If you think you’d feel someone picking your pocket – you’re wrong...

“I would feel it if someone tried to take my things.” 

America’s Favorite Pickpocket and Entertainer Gene Turner, says he’s heard that a million times. Yet he only gets caught in his act about one in a thousand times. It only takes one second and a brief distraction for a pickpocket to rob you blind – and they’ve got a lot of tricks up their sleeves. Here are Gene’s tips to avoid being part of the act:

• If you see a pickpocket warning sign in a public place – DON’T check for your valuables. Professional pickpockets often hang around those signs hoping you’ll show him exactly which pockets to pick. 

• Someone yelling out “Pickpocket!” in a crowd is likely the pickpocket himself warning you, while watching where you reach. 

• Flashing your money will get you more attention than you want. Pickpockets will notice where you stash the cash and one bump later, you’ll be left with an empty pocket. 

• Don't carry valuables in a backpack or fanny pack. Anyone can reach into those without you seeing or feeling it. 

• Split your cash up into several pockets. 

• Leave your bags in front of you, not at your side. When they are at your side, you can be distracted in one direction as your bag disappears in the other. 

• Avoid putting your wallet in the back pockets. A good pickpocket can get it and some will use a razorblade to slit the bottom of the pocket so the wallet will fall into their waiting hands. Rubber bands around a wallet also make it harder to slip away.

• Carry your purse in front of you and don’t hang it on the back of your chair at restaurants. Keep it between your feet. 

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