Thursday, November 7, 2013

You can literally grow clean air in your home or office with these three plants...

There are some common houseplants that can make a huge difference in the quality of the air you breathe. 

These three, in particular, will increase oxygen, filter the air and boost the overall health of anyone near them:

* The Areca palm removes co2 and converts it into oxygen. You’ll want a few shoulder-high plants, depending on the area, and you should wipe leaves once a week.

* Mother in laws tongue, known as the bedroom plant, works at the oxygen conversion at night. A waist-high plant will do wonders for your night air.

* The money plant helps to rid your air of formaldehydes and other toxic chemicals.

According to Kamal Meattle, a clean air activist from New Delhi, you could live in a sealed bottle with these three plants and not die. 

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