Sunday, November 24, 2013

Don’t just take pictures with your phone. Take GREAT pictures with your phone...

Just about everyone with a smartphone uses the camera. 

You can make your smartphone photos stand out among the crowd using these simple tricks from professional photographer Dan Burkholder, author of “iPhone Artistry:”

* Check the camera settings and choose the highest resolution. Most people don’t realize it’s not usually the default setting. 

* Wipe off the lens before snapping a picture. That phone could be covered with dust or lint or debris from your pocket or purse - and ruin the shot. A quick with a soft fabric can make all the difference.

* Skip the zoom, it just enlarges the pixels. The best way to zoom with a smartphone is to either get closer to the subject, or just take the picture and crop to zoom after the fact. 

* For low light situations, take the shot from multiple angles - and again without the flash. You’ll see a big difference and you’ll have more to work with in editing mode.

* Brace yourself. If your shots often are blurry, ­reduce arm shake by bracing your elbow against your body before snapping a picture. Better yet, hold the phone with both hands and brace both ­elbows.

* Easy does it on the touchscreen shutter button. Too much pressure and you’ll blur the photo. A smooth, light touch is all it takes. If you’ve got an iPhone, the volume button on the earbuds can double as a shutter button, giving you some distance and stability.

Dan has some amazing tips and app advice.  If you'd like to get fancy, check this out.  

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