Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Is there such a thing as snake oil?

Beware of snake oil salesmen! 

The term snake oil has been synonymous with rip-off for centuries - so how did snake oil get such a bad rap? The real deal was thought to have medicinal properties. Some Native Americans would treat rheumatism and other ailments with the grease of rattlesnakes. Settlers tried to cash in on this cure-all and rattlesnake hunting became big business. Just one ounce sold for up to twenty-five cents. 

By the late 19th century, fancy bottles of “snake oil” were all the rage and selling like hot cakes at carnival sideshows and social gatherings. Some formulas were even patented and sold off the shelves at the general store. Unfortunately, the average Joe and Jane would be hard pressed to distinguish real rattlesnake grease from other common oils, gums and tonics, usually laced with paprika or mustard to give it some bite.

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