Sunday, July 13, 2014

Stuck for an idea or solution to something? How to get unstuck...

If you’ve been trying to figure something out for more than 15 minutes, stop trying. 

Our problem-solving skills plummet after that amount of time. According to Dr. Ron Friedman, author of “The Best Place to Work,” when we first encounter a problem, certain solution burst to mind. If none of those will do, our focus starts to narrow in and reevaluate the choices. That’s when we’re likely to lose sight of the big picture. 

Dr. Friedman says after 15 minutes, switch tasks. Once we let go of that problem and focus our attention elsewhere, our perspective expands and incubation begins. That’s our non-conscious thinking. The antidote or solution could present itself when we least expect it, like in shower or while performing another mundane task.

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