Monday, December 2, 2013

If you’ve got a Christmas tree - and a cat, here's some advice...

Your cat will really appreciate you dragging a whole tree into the house for his or her enjoyment ...

...but you might want to take some of the Christmas tree appeal away. Here are some tips to protect both your cat and the tree:

* An artificial tree might be the way to go if you have a young cat. They’re natural explorers and pine needles can do some real damage to a curious kitty. 

* Put foil around the base of the tree to discourage scratching and climbing. Most cats hate the texture of that. You’ll want to cover the tree water with a layer of foil too, as that can be toxic. 

* A corner is the best location for a cat-proof tree. Move furniture far enough away to prevent your cat from plotting a strategic pounce. 

* Orange peels really are a great repellant - cats don’t like them. Citrus air fresheners or extract work well too.

* No tinsel! Cats love to play with shimmery string. Ingesting it can cause serious damage and even death.

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