If you’re not sure what to take for what ails you – ask the pharmacist.
The American Pharmacist Association recently asked 1,000 of them what they take when their sick and here are their favorite fixes for adults:
• For a regular headache, most pharmacists reach for Tylenol. The runner up is Advil.
• For a sinus headache, the winner is Advil Cold and Sinus. It’s non-drowsy, opens ups the sinuses and blocks the pain. The runner up is Sudafed 12 Hour Pressure + Pain.
• For a cold, the pharmacists take Mucinex Cold, Flu & Sore Throat. It’s a powerful potion that targets coughing, congestion and pain. Runner up - Tylenol Cold Multisymptom.
• The go-to for the flu is Micinex D. It helps fight the funk. At night, they like Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Nighttime. The runner up is good old NyQuil.