Saturday, September 13, 2014

Wash your melons!

The next time you buy bananas or melons, be sure to wash them as soon as you get home. 

Fruit flies love to lay their eggs in these and other fruits and vegetables. A thorough rinse with tap water should be enough to rid any of the hard to see fruit fly eggs and prevent them from hatching in the warmth of your home. 

After you eat your fruits and vegetables, it’s a good idea to put them in a plastic bag before tossing any leftovers, peels or rinds. The longer they hang around in your garbage can, the more likely you are to wind up with fruit flies.

1 comment:

  1. I always do that but use a paper towel with white vinegar. That sure kills any eggs better than water! And also prevents mold a bit longer. If I have too many and I'm tired, I just use white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray the bag of oranges. Easier and faster and no fruit flies.


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