Thursday, September 18, 2014

What do pharmacists take when they get sick?

If you’re not sure what to take for what ails you – ask the pharmacist. 

The American Pharmacist Association recently asked 1,000 of them what they take when their sick and here are their favorite fixes for adults:

• For a regular headache, most pharmacists reach for Tylenol. The runner up is Advil.

• For a sinus headache, the winner is Advil Cold and Sinus. It’s non-drowsy, opens ups the sinuses and blocks the pain. The runner up is Sudafed 12 Hour Pressure + Pain.

• For a cold, the pharmacists take Mucinex Cold, Flu & Sore Throat. It’s a powerful potion that targets coughing, congestion and pain. Runner up - Tylenol Cold Multisymptom.

• The go-to for the flu is Micinex D. It helps fight the funk. At night, they like Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Nighttime. The runner up is good old NyQuil.

Do you buy “heart healthy” cereal? Why that claim is a moot point...

Some cereal boxes are full of promises – but don’t fall for the hype. 

Consumer Reports looks at a few catch phrases on that box that really don’t mean much:

• Stay full longer: Protein does help accomplish that but you’re better off getting that through Greek yogurt or eggs. Cereals high in protein are often high in sugar too.

• Provides essential vitamins and minerals. Most cereals do. The brands bragging about it tend to have a lot of non-essential junk in there too.

• Heart healthy. The FDA requires a cereal making this claim to be low in saturated fat and cholesterol. But most cereals are, so one without the claim may be just as good for you.

Could you spot counterfeit money?

Counterfeit currency is hard to spot – but you really need to check. 

Some businesses try to pass on the funny money to their customers so they don’t have to deal with it. If you’re caught passing it on, it’s a crime and could wind up being a huge hassle. If anyone ever challenges you on the authenticity of your bill, you’ll need to notify the police. It’s you’re best chance to recover the real deal. The U.S. Secret Service has some counterfeit characteristics to look for:

• The portrait. Compare it to another bill. The face on real currency stands out and fake bills will look more flat.

• The border. The fine lines on a real bill are very clear and sharp. Those details may be a bit blurred on bogus bills.

• The serial number. Genuine numbers are printed in the same ink as the Treasury seal and are evenly spaced. Counterfeit numbers may be a slightly different color or uneven.

• The paper. Real money paper has tiny red and blue fibers embedded in it. Fake cash often has those fibers printed on.

If you’re making a transaction involving significant cash, be sure to do it at a bank. Have the person paying you convert the cash into a check or money order. If you do wind up with counterfeit money, you won’t be reimbursed. You may be able to recover your loss through your homeowner’s policy, without having to pay the usual deductible.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

If you plan to do housework or yard work – you need protection.

If you’ll be using a leaf blower, lawnmower or vacuum cleaner any time soon, get some ear plugs. 

The noise from those household helpers can really do a number on your hearing. The National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders says it’s imperative that we wear protective headphones or earplugs when operating household machines. Recreational activities can put you at risk for damage as well. Protect your hearing while riding snowmobiles, target shooting, attending concerts or if you play in a band. 

Looking for a diet you can really live with? Think French.

If you like cheese, you’ll love this diet. 

According to Dr. Will Clower, author of “Eat Chocolate, Lose Weight,” the French have the right idea by enjoying full-fat cheese with just about every meal. He says full fat is easier to metabolize and that chemicals in fat-free foods can actually disrupt the hormones and metabolism which can lead to weight gain.

Chess is high in protein and calcium and helps you to feel full longer. Look for unprocessed cheese and just have a few bites. And of course you’ll want to finish that off with some chocolate. Dr. Clower says the people who lose weight eating chocolate are those who eat it the most consistently. The higher the cocoa content, the more you can eat. Always opt for solid, dark chocolate and try ¼ ounce a day.

Wash it all down with some French Champagne. Two glasses a week can help protect your brain from age-related memory loss.

An apple a day – improves your love life?

There’s something sexy about an apple. 

That’s according to a recent Italian study published in the Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. It found that women who ate one or two apples a day reported increased desire and satisfaction. 

It turns out the sex appeal is in the apple skin. Apple peels contain a phytoestrogen that amplifies your own estrogen. The other “forbidden fruit” compounds help to improve blood flow to all the right places.

Monday, September 15, 2014

There’s no escaping germs, especially at work.

As the temperatures drop, cold and flu germs spread like wildfire. 

Charles “Dr. Germ” Gerba recently revealed the results of his study looking at where it all starts – in the office. One sick employee can spread viral germs to 60% of fellow workers within just four hours. The most contaminated areas are the kitchen and coffee-break area. They’re worse than the restrooms because most people wash their hands before leaving the bathroom which is not the case before and after they’ve touched the communal coffee pot, refrigerator or microwave. 

If you’d like to get a jump on preventing flu season germs from brewing in your office, put a bottle of hand sanitizer near the coffee pot where your coworkers will see and use it. It can reduce the spread of virus by 99%.

Is there any truth to the saying “happy wife, happy life?”

Happy wife, happy life. It turns out there could be something to that. 

A recent study by Rutgers University found that a happily married woman has a significant impact on marital success, regardless of how he feels about the marriage. Not surprisingly, the study also determined that an unhappy wife often means trouble. That marriage is more likely to be fragile or end badly.

While it’s important that both husband and wife are happy in marriage, the results of the research suggests that unhappy husbands are more likely to harbor unhappiness, avoid the topic or ride things out, while unhappy wives tend to be more confrontational and willing to share the unhappiness. Generally speaking, a happy wife tends to offer more emotional support to the husband and children which ups the odds of happily ever after. 

Have you checked your iTunes lately? How U2 got there and how to get them off...

If you’ve got an Apple device, you probably now have the new U2 album on your iTunes. 

Apple thought slipping you the old U2 might make your day – but not everyone is in love with the idea. It was the number 2 of the 1 - 2 promotional punch after U2 appeared at Apple’s unveiling of the iPhone 6. 500 million iTunes users wound up with the band’s new “Songs of Innocence” album on September 15th.

After a backlash from unappreciative non-U2 fans, Apple decided to release a support page with an option to undo the U2ing. You can find that at iTunes.com/soi-remove. “Songs of Innocence” will stay free for until October 13th, after that, you’ll have to pay for it the old fashioned way. If you would like to prevent future forced free downloads, go to your iTunes settings, scroll down to Automatic Downloads, and turn that off.

Did you like to do cartwheels as a kid? Why one school has banned them...

No more cartwheels? 

A lot of schools have already removed some of our favorite old-school playground equipment, citing safety. Now one school in Australia has banned the beloved cartwheel. A letter sent to parents from the Sunshine Coast state school stated the following: 

All students have been advised that under no circumstances are they allowed to perform cartwheels, handstands or any other type of gymnastic move at school unless they are properly supervised by a trained PE teacher. It would be appreciated if you could remind your children about the safety issues involved with these types of moves.

Here in the U.S., you’ll be hard pressed to find some childhood favorites on the playground. Most schools have already banned the merry-go-round, while teeter-totters, monkey bars and even swings and slides have been deemed too dangerous by some.

How would you like to send your child to college – for free?

If you’ll be looking at colleges this year, you might want to consider Iceland. 

Sure, it’s far, but it’s free. According to Consumer Reports, that’s just one of the countries that allow American students who apply and are accepted to earn a college degree at the same price the locals pay – zero. Some more options abroad include:

• Brazil – but Portuguese is the language of instruction.

• Czech Republic – you’ll need to speak Czech.

• Finland – English classes are available, but it’s dark.

• Germany – world-class higher education, with many programs in English, for free.

• Greece – study in the birthplace of academia but brush up on your Greek first.

• Panama – Spanish speaking students can enjoy the free ride.

There are some other countries worth looking into that cost a little more than nothing, but considerably less than the U.S. They include Argentina, Austria, France, Malaysia, Mexico, Spain and Turkey.

What is it about comfort food that makes us feel better?

Everyone knows that a little comfort food can lift your mood a little. 

Well, according to psychologist Traci Mann, “Everyone” may be wrong. Her new study finds that so-called comfort foods are no more effective at lifting moods than any other food – and we might be giving them credit they don’t deserve. 

The researchers had groups of participants watch a depressing video and then rate their moods. One group enjoyed chocolate, ice cream and cookies, another group had neutral foods like a granola bar, and the third group just had to sit there in silence for three minutes. All three groups reported roughly the same mood improvement after their sessions. While comfort food in a lab setting failed the test, the researchers plan to conduct another study under real-life social circumstances. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Are you ready for some tailgating?

If you’re invited to a tailgating party – enjoy. If you’re in charge of it – prepare! 

To tailgate right, you’ve got to be at the top of your game and some tailgating pros have this advice:

• You'll probably need to show up about 3 to 4 hours before the game to set up. That should give you plenty of time to cook the food, play some games and just hang out with your group. Don't forget to factor in some time to break everything down once you're done.

• Pick a prime location. If you can, look for a parking space right next to a grassy area so you'll have more space to spread out and one less car next to you.

• Make friends with the other football fans parked around you. Who knows? You might even decide to plan your next tailgate party with them.

• Play by the rules. When you're tailgating, remember that the parking lot or facility where you're partying probably has rules. This could be simple things like making sure to clean up after you're finished, no unattended grills or, as on some college campus parking lots, no alcoholic beverages.

• Try to think of everything you'll be doing when you're tailgating and make a list of everything you'll need and delegate who brings what.

• When it comes to tearing down your tailgating site, apply the camping rule that says you should take out everything you bring in. You might be able to find some trash cans nearby, but then again, you might not. Make sure to pack some garbage bags, just in case. 

When it comes to eating fish, bigger isn’t better.

When we think of sardines, we think of tiny fish crammed in a can. 

Sardines are described as small, oily, silvery fish related to herring. They travel in schools and grow fast and the bigger, fresh variety are delicious. Both canned and fresh sardines are considered some of the healthiest fish in the sea. They pack a nutritional punch with healthy omegas, calcium, iron and potassium. Because sardines are low on the oceanic food chain, they have lower amounts of mercury and PCBs than the big fish and are especially good for children and pregnant women.

Canned sardines are reasonably priced, about the same as canned tuna. The price of fresh sardines varies with availability but are usually less expensive than the other fresh fish on display in the market.

Wash your melons!

The next time you buy bananas or melons, be sure to wash them as soon as you get home. 

Fruit flies love to lay their eggs in these and other fruits and vegetables. A thorough rinse with tap water should be enough to rid any of the hard to see fruit fly eggs and prevent them from hatching in the warmth of your home. 

After you eat your fruits and vegetables, it’s a good idea to put them in a plastic bag before tossing any leftovers, peels or rinds. The longer they hang around in your garbage can, the more likely you are to wind up with fruit flies.

Are you ready for fall fashion? This year’s hot trends for chilly weather...

If you’re looking forward to sweater weather, think big. 

Fashion experts say sweaters are getting bigger this season. You can expect to see some wooly mammoth cowl necks, sweater dresses and more oversized sweaters paired with leggings and boots. 

While you’re stocking up on giant sweaters, don’t forget the leather. According to stylist George Brescia, it’s the number one must have for the season. He says you have to have a piece of leather. Do it however you want. The leather legging, the little leather vest, the leather jacket or some leather detail on one of your blouses or dresses or skirts.

As for the hot colors this fall, expect to see a lot of maroon and black. Wrap it all up with a splash of plaid and you’ll be in full fall seasonal style.

The next time you’re in a bad mood – touch this body part...

Feeling grumpy? Pinch yourself. 

There’s an acupressure spot on your body that can actually take the edge off emotional upset and stress. It’s on the inside of your arm, about two inches above your wrist. Put your thumb there, in between the two tendons, and put three fingers on the opposite side. Press that spot for a full two minutes. Now, switch over to the other arm and repeat. Practice some deep breathing during this four minute fix and you should feel a little better. This exercise can also help with insomnia and nausea.

Your blood type could affect your memory. The type most at risk...

If you’re experiencing memory loss, you might want to check your blood type. 

According to a new study in the journal Neurology, those with Type AB blood may be at a significantly higher risk of memory loss later in life. The researcher tracked participants age 45 and older for three to four years and determined those with AB had an 82 percent higher risk of cognitive decline.

There’s nothing you can do about your blood type but diet and lifestyle changes that support a healthy memory can help to counteract the increased risk. Staying physically and socially active as you age is good advice for any Type. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Are people who curse more honest?

You may have seen the post going around that claims people who swear are more honest and trustworthy. 

Not so, say most experts, who can’t find any hard evidence to back up that claim. While people who curse casually or recklessly may be less inhibited and more transparent, that doesn't necessarily correlate with their honesty.

Some studies have actually found that liars tend to use more profanity than truth tellers, especially when put on the spot. Lying uses brain power which makes it harder to monitor yourself. Those curse words are often used as filler or exclamation points.

Don’t serve rice with that chicken. Food combinations we’re supposed to avoid, coming up…

Chicken and rice is a favorite food combination. 

But according to Donna Gates, author of “The Body Ecology Diet,” that’s one combo we should avoid. She says serving a starch with an animal protein makes it harder for our bodies to digest. The same rule would apply to eating fruit with a starch or dairy product. Here are some other favorite pairings that Donna is hating on: 

• Hamburger and a bun

• Pizza with pepperoni

• Beans with rice

• Eggs, orange juice and toast

• Strawberries or yogurt with cereal

• Grilled cheese sandwich

So what are we allowed to combine? Donna likes grapefruit with avocado on lettuce, salmon in a leafy green salad, and brown rice stir fried with onions and broccoli

How often should you wash your sheets?

Do you wash your bath towels after every use? How often do you wash your sheets? 

The American Cleaning Institute has these recommendations for your laundry routine:

• Sheets. At least every two weeks, more often if you sweat a lot.

• Pajamas. After 3 or 4 wearings. If you shower before bed, you may get a few more.

• Towels. After 3 or 4 normal uses or more frequently if you play sports.

• Socks and underwear. After each wearing.

• Bras. After 2 to 3 wearings.

• T-shirts, tank tops and camisoles. After each wearing.

• Dress shirts and khakis. Can be worn a few times before washing unless you are sweating or they are visibly dirty.

• Jeans. Can typically be worn 3 times before washing.

• Leggings. After every wearing to get rid of the baggy knees.
• Bathing suits. After every wearing.

• Whites and silks. After every wearing because they’re prone to discoloration.
Dresses and suits can be worn several times during normal use before dry cleaning, 3-4 times for wool and 4-5 times for synthetics. Depending on your lifestyle or environment you may need to dry clean more often. Smoky bars, smog or smelly environments or if your suit gets stained may mean that you need to clean them more often.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Want to get fired? Professional blunders that could help you along...

Some employees are just begging to be fired. 

Roy Cohen, author of “The Wall Street Professional’s Survival Guide,” says these professional faux pas could leave you looking for a new job:

• Embellish on Your Resume. Don’t ever lie on your resume. If they’re dissatisfied with you and then they find out that you lied, that’s an easy ticket for them to let you go.

• Make Yourself Invisible. You may find it easier to keep to yourself during work hours, but if you don’t interact with your colleagues or contribute to group meetings, you’ve just earned yourself an “E” – Expendable. 

• Annoy Your Coworkers. Not bathing or being unkempt is a big problem. When it comes to downsizing, the smelly are often the first ones to go.

• Shrug off Blame. If the error was clearly your doing, fess up—fast. It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up that gets you into trouble.

• Gossip. If you’re the go-to office source of information, no one will trust you and you could be the first one off the island.

• Be Stubborn — REALLY Stubborn. If you refuse to acknowledge that anyone’s idea might be better than yours, you’re going to find yourself at the end of a very long plank, alone. 

• Take What Isn’t Yours. If you didn’t come up with idea or work on a project, don’t act like you did. Taking credit for someone else’s work is akin to stealing in the workplace. 

Would you know your soul mate if you met?

Some people believe we all have a soul mate out there somewhere. 

If you’re still waiting to find yours, be sure you don’t miss him or her by paying attention to these soul mate signs:

• Instant recognition. If you catch each other’s eye or both laugh at the same bad joke – that could be your soul mate. 

• Coincidences. If you’re surrounded or experience coincidences with one particular person, that’s another sign it was meant to be.

• Gut instinct. Most soul mates say they had a certain feeling the moment they met. It could be a subtle wave of intensity or an increased heart rate. Pay attention. 

• Magnetism. Soul mates often feel physically drawn to each other. If you’ve just got to get closer, that’s could be a sign.

• Wrong place right time. If you connect with someone through a daily interference, you might want to explore that a little.

• Premonition. It could be a déjà vu type of sensation or the feeling that you’ve met before that signals it’s meant to be.

Invisible fences are convenient – but are they really okay for your dog?

If you’ve got an invisible fence for your dog – don’t forget to go for a walk. 

Lindsay Stordahl, professional dog walker and author of ThatMutt.com, says dogs can develop behavior issues as a result of electric fences. In some cases, they offer dogs too much freedom and it can become more difficult to control them if you don’t enforce the rules. Any fence, electronic or not, enhances a dog’s territorial instincts. It could trigger more barking or aggressive behavior towards other dogs and passers-by.

If you do rely on an electric fence, or a traditional fence, you’re not off the hook in the walking department. Fenced dogs will do much better with regular walks and the opportunity to explore the sights and sounds beyond your own back yard.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Some celebrities swear by the new fitness fad of waist training. How it can do more harm than good...

If Kim Kardashian jumped off a bridge – would you? 

You might want to ask the same question about her fitness fad of choice – waist training. It’s not just Kim, several celebs, and fans alike, are trying to shrink their waistlines with the trendy craze.

Getting waisted involves working out or wearing a super-tight corset device for hours at a time – and it’s a waste of time. It may make for interesting selfies, but experts say it can be downright dangerous. Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, clinical professor of ob-gyn at Yale School of Medicine, says it’s ridiculous to think that compressing the waist will make it permanently smaller. It’s uncomfortable, restricts your movements and could even damage your ribs and other internal organs.

Have you met Facebook’s new blue dinosaur?

When is the last time you checked your privacy settings on Facebook? 

Now there’s a little blue dinosaur who want to walk you through it. Facebook just launched the privosaurus who lives at the top of your screen. Just click the lock icon to let him out. Once you click the privacy dinosaur, he’ll take you through some quick, easy steps to check the settings of all your posts, apps and information. You’ll also have the opportunity to get rid of apps and information you don’t need on there anymore with one click in the dinosaur box. 

Have you had your bananas today? Why you need one - or five...

Bananas are yummy, portable and super good for you – especially if you’re a woman. 

A new study has found that high-potassium foods can cut the risk of stroke in women by up to 16%. Bananas are chock full of potassium – and other healthy stuff. So how many do you need? A whole bunch. It would take 12 bananas a day to get the full dose of potassium. Not to worry, potassium is also in a lot of other food you probably already eat, including spinach, dates, yogurt, potatoes, and salmon – but the extra banana is a good idea.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The cure to a hangover is finally here – but does it work?

There’s a new hangover remedy in town. 

The effervescent vitamin tablet Berocca has finally hit the U.S. shelves. It’s been a popular hangover go-to in Australia and elsewhere for years and it finally hit the states. You won’t see “hangover” on the label. Bayer, which bought the Swiss product in 2005, calls it an energy product that supports both mental sharpness any physical energy.

So does it really help a hangover? According to self-proclaimed hangover specialist Dr. Dr. Jason Burke, Berocca’s ingredient list of B vitamins, zinc and vitamin C makes sense. He says it might help a mild hangover, but would probably work better if you take it at night before going to sleep.

You don’t have to be alone to be lonely.

Are you lonely? If so, you’re health is at serious risk. 

Research has linked persistent loneliness to some serious health problems and premature death. Here are some signs that you might be suffering from loneliness:

• You lack sound sleep: Lonely people tend to have disrupted or fragmented sleep.

• You take long, hot showers: Lonely people often take longer, hotter showers and baths, more frequently.

• You love your stuff: Lonely people can get overly attached to physical possessions like a computer, a car, clothes or collectibles.

• You’re stuck on Facebook: Excessive posting or tracking of Facebook friends can fuel the lonely fire.

• You sweat the small stuff: Loners are much more likely to overreact to everyday annoyances such as traffic jams, bad weather or bad news.

There are a few things you can try to break the loneliness cycle:

• Make small connections. Say hello, smile or compliment others around you, even if you don’t know them.

• Join something bigger than you. Volunteering or sitting in on a local club or cause can help to get your mind off yourself.

• If you’re more comfortable online, try a site like Meetup.com or Groups.Yahoo.com. You may just stumble across some real life interaction in your area. 

• Consider a pet. Connecting with and caring for another creature can do wonders for both of you.

Paper or eBook? Avid readers share their preferences...

Tablets and readers may be convenient but they’re no match for the real paper deal, according to most readers. 

About 70% of American readers say they prefer paper and their reasons vary:

• 65% say they like the feeling. Not just the touch, but the emotional attachment they feel to their paper book.

• 61% prefer paper for learning. It’s a lot easier to dog-ear and mark up a real book.

• 58% like to share. Lending, borrowing or recycling just makes sense on paper.

• 53% like the looks of their book. It’s a lot more fun to display.

• 44% are collectors and another 44% like giving books as gifts.

• 11% like to smell their book.

• 9% like to pose in paper. They just look smarter.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Don’t trust that 7-year-old. When kids really learn to lie...

When did you start lying? Does age 7 ring a bell? 

According to a new study from the University of Minnesota, kids are capable of thinking and lying strategically around age 6 ½. Sadly, it’s all part of growing up and a skill they need to try out in order to protect themselves in a tricky world. The researchers also found that age 6 or 7 is when the average child learns the hard lesson that they shouldn’t always trust others, which helps to explain why they might need to test their own deceptive skills. 

Other studies have found that toddlers can detect dishonesty at around 2 years of age and start practicing with baby denials – but the real calculated dishonesty won’t kick in for a few more years.

Do you have a favorite color?

Most people have a favorite color – and the majority of us keep it for life. 

Your favorite color is not necessarily the one you wear the most. It’s the color that excites you or makes you feel alive when you see it. While it might change with the season or your current mood, your favorite color in childhood and as an adult can reveal a lot about your personality. 

• Red: You are action oriented with a deep need for physical fulfillment and to experience life through the five senses.

• Yellow: You need logical order in your life and enjoy expressing your individuality.

• Green: You need to belong, to love and be loved, and to feel safe and secure.

• Blue: Inner peace and truth are a top priority for you. Your ideals and beliefs are steadfast.

• Orange: You need to be with people, to socialize with them, and be accepted and respected as part of a group. 

• Purple: You crave emotional security and perfection in life. 

• Pink: Unconditional love is your desire and being accepted really matters to you.

• Turquoise: You need emotional balance and like to express your idealistic hope and dreams.

• Brown: You’re the supportive, low-maintenance type who just wants to feel safe and secure.

• Black: You need some power and control in order to protect your emotional insecurities.

• White: Simplicity and independence is your strong suit.

• Gray: Calm, cool, collected and composed, you’re middle of the road and like to keep the peace.

“Tell me about yourself.” How to respond to that in an interview...

Before you worry too much about weird job interview questions designed to throw you for a loop, be sure you have the right responses for the straight forward variety. 

Monster.com has the answers:

• “Tell me about yourself.” Will you fit in around here? Share a real-life story about who you are outside of work. Include a passion or interest that other people might find interesting or relatable.

• “What do you have to offer?” They already have the basics on your resume. This is your opportunity to throw in the extras beyond the job description. Let them know if you’re creative or good with numbers, assuming that’s not already a requirement.

• “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Most organizations want to know you’re applying for the position of your choice. Reassure them you look forward to being a valuable asset by then and will be able to adapt to their long-term needs. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Do you regret buying your car?

Some people love their cars. Other’s not so much. 

According to a just released survey by the American Customer Satisfaction Index, some car owners are experiencing auto remorse. The seven car brands consumers are most satisfied with include Mercedes-Benz, Subaru, Lexus, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda and Buick. The lowest satisfaction awards go to Acura, Dodge, Jeep, Audi, Mazda, BMW and Cadillac.

The drivers were asked to score their satisfaction not just with the vehicle’s performance, but with expectations and customer service at the dealer.

Tomatoes are good for you – just don’t eat too many.

Local tomatoes in season are delicious – but don’t get carried away. 

Because they are highly acidic, eating too many tomatoes could lead to acid reflux. Dr. Gina Sam, of the Mount Sinai Gastrointestinal Motility Center, says over an extended period of time, this can cause Barrett’s Esophagus, a disorder in which precancerous lesions form on esophageal lining. The same is true for eating too many oranges. Dr. Sam suggests sticking to no more than two servings of oranges or tomatoes a day and avoiding these foods altogether if you already have symptoms of reflux.

here’s a right way and a wrong way to store your beer.

If you’ve got some decent bottles of wine, hopefully they’re on their side. 

So what about beer? Those bottles or cans should be standing up. When beer is on its side, more of its contents are exposed to the oxygen in the container. That oxygen depletes the flavor of the beer. You also want any yeast in the beer to settle at the bottom of the bottle rather than on the side where it won’t settle or mix in to your brew properly.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What’s better than olive oil?

If you like olive oil – you’re going to LOVE avocado oil. 

Avocado is one of the healthiest fruits in the world and some gourmets prefer cooking with avocado oil to olive oil. It has a rich, buttery, delicate taste and is chock full of healthy compounds. It’s less bitter than olive oil and won’t overpower the taste in your recipes. It’s high in heart healthy monounsaturated fat, has no cholesterol and no carbohydrates. Avocado is also better for high-heat cooking and is wok and stir-fry friendly.

There’s one problem with avocado oil. It’s harder to find than olive and other oils and may cost a little more.

The next time you’re ready to have a melt-down – there’s a four letter word that can actually help...

Having a bad day? Ready to freak out on someone? Try using this four letter word: 

HALT! Dr. Keith King, a Professor of Health Promotion at the University of Cincinnati, developed the acronym H.A.L.T to help us self-check some common triggers that can fuel a freak-out:

• H is for hunger. 

• A is for anger. 

• L is for lonely.

• T is for tired.

Dr. King says if you can HALT and take care of those four things, you’re significantly more likely to be unstressed.

Do you hate doing laundry? There’s an app for that.

If you need help doing the laundry – there are some apps that can help you out or even do it for you. 

These can come in handy, especially for new college students who are prone to not doing laundry right, or not doing it at all:

• Washio lets you select your pick up and drop-off times and promises that your clean laundry will be returned to you the next day. Wash-and-fold laundry costs $1.60 per pound.

• DressCARE explains care labels found on clothing. 

• Laundry Instructions is free and a good app for beginners.

• Laundry Timer is an Android app that lets you track up to four washers and dryers separately. A notification appears in the status bar when the cycles finish.

• LG Smart Laundry works with LG appliances and helps you troubleshoot problems.

• Locate a Laudromat and Laundry Finder let you find washers and dryers anywhere in the world.

• Tide Stain Brain gives you simple stain solutions on your mobile device. More than 85 different stains are listed.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Steak for Breakfast? Why we’re better off having it in the morning...

If you love steak, you’re better off having that in the morning. 

Most Americans tend to load their daily protein into dinner. When we do that, we’re depriving the muscles during the day and only a portion of that evening protein is put to good use. The leftovers just sit there and convert into blubber.

If we eat more protein in the morning and then taper off with lighter meals for lunch and dinner, your body will process the protein more efficiently and you’ll wind up slimmer and trimmer.

A bald head can really change our perception.

Would you like to look taller? Shave your head. 

Todd “Sween” Lahman, owner of Sweeney Todd’s Barber Shop in Los Angeles, says for men who are losing their hair, a shaved head is usually a vast improvement. 

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania agree. A study that looked at perceptions of balding found that thinning hair made subjects look older. However, male subjects with a clean, shaved head were perceived as taller, more masculine, and more dominant than one with a full head of hair. People also estimated that the bald guys could bench-press about 13 percent more weight than their hairy opponents and were deemed more attractive than those with thinning hair. 

Getting new glasses can be hazardous to your health.

If you’re getting new glasses, you’ll need to be extra careful for a few days. 

Several studies have found that people are much more fall and accident prone right after vision correction. Although the risk is much higher in elderly people who may already have issues with balance, children and young adults need to get used to their new and improved eyesight as well.

Bifocal and progressive lenses can really throw you off if you’re not used to them. Your equilibrium has become accustomed to compensating for your vision issues. When you get your new glasses or vision correction at any age, take it slow and watch your step.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Back to school means back to breakfast. The best and worst cereals for your kids...

What’s in your breakfast bowl? 

The Environmental Working Group wants to be sure you’re not feeding your kids junk before school. Here are their “Hall of Shame” cereals:

• Kellogg’s Honey Smacks
• Malt-O-Meal Golden Puffs
• Mom’s Best Cereals Honey-Ful Wheat
• Malt-O-Meal Berry Colossal Crunch with Marshmallows
• Post Golden Crisp
• Grace Instant Green Banana Porridge
• Blanchard & Blanchard Granola
• Lieber’s Cocoa Frosted Flakes
• Lieber’s Honey Ringee Os
• Food Lion Sugar Frosted Wheat Puffs
• Krasdale Fruity Circles
• Safeway Kitchens Silly Circles

The EWG would rather you pour these into your kids’ bowl:

• Kellogg’s Rice Crispies, Gluten-Free
• General Mills Cheerios
• Post 123 Sesame Street, C is for Cereal
• Kellogg’s Corn Flakes
• Kellogg’s Rice Crispies
• Kellogg’s Crispex Cereal