Sunday, December 15, 2013

Some foods don’t mix with some medications. Dangerous combos...

You may already know that you shouldn’t drink grapefruit juice...

...if you’re taking some commonly prescribed medicines that fight infections, reduce cholesterol, treat high blood pressure and heart problems. The don’t mix list is pretty long and it’s important to check with your doctor or pharmacist. Here are some other foods to be careful with when you take medication:

* Bananas: Don’t mix those with diuretics or ACE inhibitors used to treat low blood pressure. Too much potassium can result in irregular heartbeat and palpitations.

* Kale: Don’t eat it with blood thinners like warfarin. The vitamin K can reduce it’s anti-clotting effects. Be careful with other greens like broccoli, cabbage, spinach and brussels sprouts too.

* Milk: Don’t drink that with tetracycline antibiotics. Milk and other dairy can prevent you from absorbing the drug.

* Salami: Skip that if you’re taking medication for a bacterial infection. Aged, smoked and fermented foods could cause your blood pressure to spike.Don’t mix with:

* Walnuts: Don’t mix them with thyroid drugs. They interfere with absortion.

* Alcohol: You really do need to heed those warnings on the bottle. Just a few drinks mixed with acetaminophen, Tylenol, can damage your liver. Mixing alcohol with certain medications can magnify side effects or cause serious problems like internal bleeding, breathing and heart problems. 

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