Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Is your night light red, white or blue? Why it matters...

Take a good look at your bedroom tonight. Hopefully, you’ll see nothing. 

Most of us have some sort of light in there, from a clock, a gadget, a night light or from the hallway - and that’s no good. Researchers used hamsters for a recent night light study because of their physiological similarities to us. One group of hamsters got to sleep in full darkness. The other groups had to sleep exposed to dim light, either red, white or blue. The hamsters’ behavior was observed the next day. The dark room sleepers were happy hamsters, enjoying their tasks which included some swimming. The red light hamsters had a pretty good day too. The blue and white light hamsters did not fare as well. They showed signs of depression, spent the least time swimming and were generally cranky hamsters. 

If you need a night light or illuminated clock in your room, your best bet is to go with one which glows red - especially if you have a hamster.

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