Monday, November 11, 2013

Who should extend their hand for a shake first? That depends.

A firm handshake is a no-brainer in business - but who should reach out first? 

The higher up. According to etiquette expert LisaMarie Luccioni, a graduate of the Protocol School of Washington, a handshake should be offered by the person of higher authority to the person of lower status. If you’re the peon, give the big cheese a chance - but go ahead and extend if they’re slow on the draw. There is no rule regarding gender in business. In social situations, while kissing the woman’s hand is a bit old school, some still believe a man should wait for a woman to offer her hand for the shake.

When you are ready to shake, stand up, unless you physically can’t. Go in with confidence and aim to make firm contact web-to-web, between the thumb and forefinger. Resist the urge to inflict the politician two-handed shake on the first meeting. It can come across as phony and overbearing.

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