Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Do you sleep like a log - or a baby? What that says about your personality...

The position you sleep in says a lot about who you are when you’re up and about. 

Here are the most common sleep positions and the personalities they are associated with:

* Fetal: This is the most common position at 41%. Fetal sleepers are curled up on their side. They tend to be tough on the outside but sensitive and often shy. They are also the first to fall asleep.

* Log: 15% of us sleep like a log. Log sleepers are easy going and sociable - but they’re also probably a bit gullible and too trusting of strangers.

* Yearner: 13% of people sleep in this position, on their side, with arms outstretched. Yearners are open in nature but cynical, suspicious and slow to change their minds. 

* Soldier: This serious sleeper is quiet and reserved with high standards. 8% of people sleep soldier style, on their backs with arms at their sides.

* Freefaller: 7% sleep on their stomachs with arms above the head. They tend to be brash and gregarious but thin skinned. They also hate to be criticized. 

* Starfish: Just 5% of people sleep on their back with limbs outstretched. They’re good listeners and love to help. They make great friends but not-so great bedmates. 

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