Thursday, May 2, 2013

Save that banana peel! What it’s good for...

Bananas are chock full of good stuff - and their peels have appeal as well...

The inside of that skin is really good for YOUR skin. Here are few ways to apply the peel:

* Acne: Rub a banana peel on the affected area and let dry for 30 minutes. Do this daily and you’ll see an overall improvement in a few days.

* Poison Ivy: Rub the rash with your banana peel twice a day. It helps to relieve swelling and itching.

* Banana band-aid: Wrap your minor cuts and scrapes in a banana peel. It helps to take the sting out and promotes healing.

* Splinter: Apply banana peel to a splinter before you attempt to remove it. The enzymes in the banana will help dislodge the offender.

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